Molte aziende fanno fatica a comunicare in modo efficace. Ho sviluppato un processo, basato su strategia, per costruire identità brand che fanno innamorare le persone e fanno ottenere risultati concreti.

11 DAY Gratitude Re-set.

Join and receive videos daily to help you release, reframe and re-set your perspective into strength and empowered living.

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Repellat iure et doloremque optio laborum exercitationem eligendi natus. Omnis quo et maxime iure quaerat. Nulla nostrum numquam. M

When you add more of these cards you will have to adjust the interactions as you see fit. It's a page trigger, 'while page is scrolling' and I named it 'steps-scroll'

Molestias nemo officia velit occaecati quia eius dolorem

When you add more of these cards you will have to adjust the interactions as you see fit. It's a page trigger, 'while page is scrolling' and I named it 'steps-scroll'

Voluptas id corporis natus dolorem et. Recusandae aut dolores. Eum consequuntur id aperiam quae. Libero repudiandae impedit fu

When you add more of these cards you will have to adjust the interactions as you see fit. It's a page trigger, 'while page is scrolling' and I named it 'steps-scroll'

Omnis dolore at. Doloribus et iure non. Libero sapiente aut quis. Sint sed impedit et se

When you add more of these cards you will have to adjust the interactions as you see fit. It's a page trigger, 'while page is scrolling' and I named it 'steps-scroll'

Qui quia facere exercitationem sapiente est similique corporis odit. Qui ut omnis. Tempore et ut eum molestiae possimus omnis no

When you add more of these cards you will have to adjust the interactions as you see fit. It's a page trigger, 'while page is scrolling' and I named it 'steps-scroll'


An Odyssey to Synchronicity
TEDx LDCE, India
Everything happens for a reason – as simple as this sounds and having heard this saying over a million times, In this TEDx Talk, Neelam shares how even a small hello can influence life in so many great ways, how the chaos of success and failures can magically create synchronicity in life.
The Gifts of Micro-deaths
TEDx CUHK, Hong Kong
We have all had this moment when we think the world is breaking apart. We tend to think of this kind of mental state inherently bad, but in truth, are they really? In this talk, Neelam explores her time of struggle, and how she has now viewed it as a gift. She calls these gifts, micro-deaths.
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We live in a noisy, buzz-word driven world vying for our attention. Words + Voices Podcast brings you authentic people, stories and solo thought-pieces by Neelam to help you think differently and elevate into your purpose to serve humanity.


Neelam's first poetry collection, Kairos is a dialogue on hope, healing and what it means to live an authentic, imperfect, bold and meaningful life. All proceeds from your purchase will be put toward building a library.


YouthMojo is all about youth empowerment through seminars, workshops, and training to help elevate the education ecosystem, students, teachers and education consultants. Topics covered are: entrepreneurship, public speaking, creative & design thinking and social media excellence.


YouthMojo is all about youth empowerment through seminars, workshops, and training to help elevate the education ecosystem, students, teachers and education consultants. Topics covered are: entrepreneurship, public speaking, creative & design thinking and social media excellence.

Youth Mojo
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